Mamma Mia! will have its Danish premiere on 15 October 2010
Mamma Mia! will have its Danish premiere on 15 October 2010 CKfcz
Mamma Mia! will have its Danish premiere on 15 October 2010 CKfcz

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 Mamma Mia! will have its Danish premiere on 15 October 2010

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2 participantes

Femenino Cantidad de envíos : 101
Edad : 35
Fecha de inscripción : 29/07/2009

Mamma Mia! will have its Danish premiere on 15 October 2010 Empty
MensajeTema: Mamma Mia! will have its Danish premiere on 15 October 2010   Mamma Mia! will have its Danish premiere on 15 October 2010 EmptyDom Nov 29, 2009 3:40 pm

Mamma Mia! will have its Danish premiere on 15 October 2010 Playbill_mammamia

Mamma Mia! will have its Danish premiere on 15 October 2010. The English song lyrics are being translated by Danish singer, musician and composer Anne Linnet in collaboration with Björn. Attending a press conference today presenting the team behind the Danish production, Björn said: "When I found out that it would be Anne Linet [doing the translation], it was fine. I met Anne this morning and we decided that she would send the lyrics to me as she writes them and I will look at them and offer my views. I've already looked at a couple of songs she has translated and I don't have much to say, because it was very good."

Danish is the ninth language into which the musical will be translated. It has already been translated into German, Japanese, Dutch, Korean, Spanish, Swedish, Russian and Norwegian. "I think Danish is a good language to sing in. I may have difficulty understanding Danish when speaking it. But it fits very well when you sing it. It is a flexible language, so it's probably not too difficult to translate from English into Danish, I think."

Danish newspaper Ekstra Bladet has a video of Björn reacting to the bad quality of an automated translation attempt of his lyrics by Google presented to him as a joke. The video can be viewed here:
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Masculino Cantidad de envíos : 11
Edad : 37
Fecha de inscripción : 22/12/2009

Mamma Mia! will have its Danish premiere on 15 October 2010 Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Mamma Mia! will have its Danish premiere on 15 October 2010   Mamma Mia! will have its Danish premiere on 15 October 2010 EmptyMar Ene 05, 2010 5:31 am


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Mamma Mia! will have its Danish premiere on 15 October 2010
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